Wednesday, January 27, 2010

State of the Union

In case you were wondering what Cade thought of tonight's State of the Union address, we have his official opinion...

** This post was not paid for by the White House. **

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We're baaaackkkkk....

I'd be remiss if I didn't apologize for the complete and utter lack of posts...for that, we are sorry. We've been so busy this past month that, unfortunately, the blog has fallen off the radar screen. But, I'm back and asking for your forgiveness. We'll try to update with more posts after this long three week hiatus. For your waiting pleasure, we have two videos for your viewing enjoyment. Our sweet boy was quite the ham during tonight's bath so I had to break out the digital video.
Nothing like a little "Ice, Ice, Baby" in the bath...we still aren't certain how Cade came to love this song so much...

Head, Shoulders, Knees and anatomy lesson with Cade...

Friday, January 1, 2010

23 Months


My, how time flies. How is it possible that our sweet baby boy is only one month away from being two years old?! So much has changed in the past year, yet so much remains the same...every day Cade brings so much light to our lives, fills our hearts with love, makes us laugh out loud and fills our home with joy.

Cade is really beginning to grow into his personality...shy and timid at first (like mom and dad) and then full of life and laughter once you get to know him (definitely like his daddy). Like me, he doesn't like to be dirty (art projects with glue and dirty, sticky hands are not in his favor), loves his fruit, loves to dance, is highly sensitive if you hurt his Jon, he is amazingly easygoing, a natural athlete with amazing hand/eye coordination, loves to make people laugh and has a smile that lights up a room.

Cade's language is exploding as well...he loves opening and closing doors...opening and saying, "hi!" then "be right back", shutting the door and saying "bye"...and then the cycle starts again.

He is also so much more aware of his surroundings...if someone leaves the room, he always asks where they went..."where gamma/dada/mama/bella go?"

He loves the "no" aka snow, especially letting Bella out to play in the "no." He also loves "no-mans." If it ever warms up, maybe we can play in the "no" and make a "no-man."

He loves to read books and point out the animals, "tees" (trees) and "gas" (grass). His favorite animals are "neighs" (horses), "boos" (cows), "ruffs" (dogs) and "bahs" (sheep)...are you noticing a theme here??

He is starting to learn his colors...right now he knows green and blue. Maybe he knows those are mom (green) and dad's (blue) favorite colors. He loves to point out "geen" tactors (tractors) and "boo" cah (car) like gamma "yech" (aka Lech).

He seems to love the number nine (maybe he knows it's grandma Lech's favorite number) and he can count to nine...only it's 1, 2, 3, 9 or 1, 2, 9. He can also countdown..I think mostly because he likes to race..only it's just 3, 2...

Speaking of racing, he loves racing around and down hallways..."weady, set, GO!"

He LOVES his doggy "Bewa"...thank goodness someone does...ha ha. He loves giving her hugs and kisses and snuggling with her before bed. He especially likes to give her his pillow and blankie. Bella isn't such a fan of being covered with the blankie, which Cade of course finds hilarious! The more he tries to cover her up, the more she tries to escape and he gets a serious case of the giggles.

He loves to sing..he really loved Jingle Bells and he also likes to sing along to "Apples & Bananas," "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star," Bob Marley's "Three Little Birds" and one of his personal faves "Ice Ice Baby."

He really loves going to school and playing with his friends, especially "Bice" (Bryce), "Nana" (Anna) and Reece.

It's great to have such a joyful, happy little boy around..when you start to doubt or lose hope, you can't help but be reminded of God's plan and the miracle of life when you look at the wonder and joy in Cade's outlook on life. We should all be so blessed to look at things the way children do.

Perhaps that's a lesson for the new year...Jon and I aren't ones to make New Year's resolutions but I saw this today and thought it was perfect as a guiding source for 2010. Cade is already several up on us...

Live simply.

Work hard.
Love deeply.
Trust more.
Fret less.
Explore unknowns.
Be yourself.

May your 2010 be happy, healthy, but most of all, filled with love.
