Tuesday, April 3, 2012

March Madness

March seemed to go by in a flash..thankfully most of the month was occupied by unseasonably warm temps...which definitely helps when you don't get in a spring break vaca. We spent lots of time playing outside, playing basketball and golf and hitting up the local parks. Dane is quite fearless when it comes to slides, however tall they may be.

In addition to his no fear sliding skills, Dane apparently thinks he's the hulk, as evidenced by the photos below where he is trying to lift the playground pole. If this were a video, you'd hear some deep grunting noises.

We fit in some play time at Grandma and Grandpa Lech's house as well...Dane rolled in his firetruck and Cade had to try out Grandpa's back yard hitting net.

We celebrated St. Patrick's day with green pancakes, green milk, kiwi and lucky charms (sugary cereal, a rarity in our house, was an instant hit in our house..the boys figured out real quick how to fish out the marshmallow bits of lucky goodness).
Evening bike rides happened nightly and you could see these two brothers starting their competitiveness. Cade quickly figured out how to manipulate the winnings..if he's in last place, then it is the person who arrives home last who gets the trophy. Clever little guy he is...but so full of love. Anytime you ask him who his favorite is, he says he loves EVERYBODY.

We also had some pre-Easter fun at Greenwood's Easter Egg Hunt. Dane quickly mastered his egg hoarding skills. His bucket was overflowing and he kept on looking. Jon and I tried to help him carry his overflowing bucket but he wasn't having it..he had a death grip on that thing that wouldn't let loose. Cade also enjoyed his egg hunting expedition, but was a bit disappointed that there weren't any golf balls hidden in the eggs. They did make quite the candy haul and enjoyed cookies and juice with daddy, Grandma Janet and I.

 All and all, March was a fun and busy month. We're looking forward to the April showers bringing more flowers, warm weather and Easter.