Friday, September 25, 2009

Peer Pressure

Today, I went against a lesson we will one day teach Cade - do not succumb to peer pressure. Although I happened to love Cade's long curls, it would seem that many others did not. After relentless, "He needs a haircut" and "People are going to think he's a girl" comments, I threw in the towel, surrendered the white flag..and my instincts..and scheduled a haircut. In my eyes, we ordered a trim - mostly to tidy up the hair that was slowly creeping into Cade's eyebrows. I could agree to that...after all, the boy needs to see. But, alas, snips were made and Cade's adorable wispy "wings" are now gown, replaced with a shorter new do....sigh.

Here's the little man in eager anticipation for his haircut with Leah at The Barbershop...

The cut itself didn't go as well. Cade was all crocodile tears until the golf highlights came up on Sportscenter and then it was a chorus of "All right" and "Almost" and cheers for Tiger.

Tune in tomorrow for pics of the new, but necessarily improved, do.

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