Sunday, May 31, 2009

Felch's Fun House...

It was a busy weekend with finishing the bathroom and potting container gardens and window boxes. Watch for the final bathroom pics tomorrow. With all the neutrals in the bathroom (hint, hint), it was fun to plant with lots of bright pink, lime green and purple.

After Jon returned from a golf tournament up north, we headed to Shopko to pick up more potting soil and found this cozy dwelling on sale. Cade was thrilled with his new abode. He was a sleepy, sleepy boy come bed time...hardly a peep out of our little chatterbox after all of the outside playing time this weekend.

Not sure you need to eat the stairs buddy...

Climbing is hard work...

Captain of the ship...

Wrong way on a one-way street...

Check out my new pad, dad!

See you all tomorrow!

Friday, May 29, 2009


We discovered Cade is a big fan of the orange cream shake from McDonald's tonight when Grandma Lech came over...we also discovered that Cade is able to suck from a straw. It's amazing how Cade has the ability to learn new skills when food is involved...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

The saga continues...

As it usually goes, the bathroom remodeling project continues's true these ventures never go on time or as planned. We're looking forward to bringing the completed project to a monitor near you in the very near future. Until then, here's a little something to brighten your day from last weekend. Cade was in good spirits, despite the arrival of his last two incisors, a cold and perhaps some seasonal allergies.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Stay tuned..

Now that we're back from the cottage, Jon and I have embarked on remodeling our bathroom. We are putting in tile floor, repainting, putting in a new granite vanity top, refinishing the vanity base and putting in new lighting and a new mirror.
Here are the "before" pics...

"In Progress" Pics...

Stay tuned for the "after" pics later this week!

Memorial Day Weekend at the Bearskin

We had a wonderful weekend up north at the cottage. We spent lots of time outside....

swinging on the log swing...

checking out the lake with dad...

playing with the new water table...

relaxing in the Adirondack chairs (Cade even has one his own size!)..

practicing our golf swings and putting...

Auntie Lisa even taught Cade how to bring drinks from the cooler...

Cade couldn't enjoy any of the drinks in the cooler, so he just drank from his water bottle...

And just in case you wondered how much Cade has changed since last Memorial Day...

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Doctor, Doctor, Give me the news...

Cade had his 15-month check up today. In case you were worried, Cade hasn't slowed down his growth pattern. He's still in the 97th percentile for height, weight and head size. Here are his latest stats:

Height 33.75"
Weight 30 lb, 15 oz

Cade also got a bike helmet from Dr. Mathias. We've been looking for one so we can use the bike trailer we got Cade for his birthday. Initially, Cade was not a fan of the helmet.

He quickly returned to his happy camper self once it was off of his head. I think we'll have to have some test runs with the helmet before the first bike ride.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Splish. Splash. Snooze.

Between the sunscreen, sand and 80+ day, Cade was in desperate need of a bath. Just as we finished toweling off in preparation to put on Cade's jams, he decided he'd just cuddle up and snooze in the tub instead.

He of course thought this was hilarious...

Please, can I sleep in here mama????

New Kicks

We FINALLY found shoes to fit Cade's huge 7/8 wide feet. In our quest for new shoes, we have returned approximately 8 pairs because they either didn't fit or Cade whined the whole time they were on. I had to get some quick pics of the little man this morning before heading off to the Y because he just looked so grown up and adorable. Even one of his teachers, Miss Joy, said he looked like he was ready to head off to kindergarten. I'm sure that day will be here before we know it.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Mom's Biggest Fan

Right back at ya, sweet boy....

Monday, May 18, 2009

Family Flashback

Look at our little chunky monkey one year ago today...

And look at him now...sporting his new Maui t-shirt from Grandma & Grandpa Felch.

My, how time flies!

And, just because....


Saturday, May 16, 2009

Hot Diggity Dog

You can always tell when Cade's getting sleepy because he'll collapse on the floor and snuggle up to mom, dad, Bella, a blankie and apparently even to furniture...

including the coffee table...

Friday, May 15, 2009


Cade's word of the week is "pretty." As in, isn't mommy's hair pretty (aka please don't pull it). Ooh, mama's earrings are pretty (again, aka please don't pull them). Yes, mama's necklace is pretty (but please don't pull on it). Or oooh, aren't these flowers pretty (as in, they finally bloomed, please don't pull the petals off).

And of course, he had to touch each and every pretty petal.

He was an excellent listener. All petals are in least the one's the rabbits or deer didn't destroy.

And just for fun, a backyard tree that's just Cade's size. Oooh, pretty.

Sleepy Head

A line in one of Cade's favorite books is, "Tired little sleepyhead, let's get ready, time for bed!"

If this isn't the cutest little sleepyhead you've ever seen...

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Cade loves playing with his best friend, Bella. He had a great time finding sticks all over the yard and playing fetch!

And, if you can believe it, Cade found some doors outside to open and close on the shed...

That is, until mom closed them for good. You can see that decision didn't sit well with Cade..

Monday, May 11, 2009

Lovin' on Grandpa

Cade was lovin' on his grandpa on Sunday..even if it was Mother's Day.

Cade thought grandpa should wear his fire hat since he's a real firefighter.

And in between all of that grandpa lovin' Cade still found time to be does this door open again???

I think it's just a quick turn of this handle...

...ah, perfect.