Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Hearts

On Friday, we had Cade's Valentine concert at school. Slowly, but surely, we saw Cade's little friends file out on stage...all of them too shy to sing or practice their "eye - love - you." As we looked for Cade, we saw him waiting in the wings with his little friend, Austin..both of them too shy to even come out. So, the teacher had to carry the two oldest boys in the class. I suppose the theater arts are not a likely career choice for our sweet little man.

But he does have so much more going for his sweet, innocent, giggle...his eyes that light up a room...his infectious spirit...his sense of wonder...and his unconditional love.

Our hearts are full...we love you so very much. We are so blessed to have you in our lives...and we are honored to be your mom and dad. You make us so happy and prouder than you'll ever know. We love you sweet little valentine.

All you need is love. Love is all you need.
Happy Valentine's Day from our hearts and home to yours!

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