Thursday, April 14, 2011

Fam + Florida

We spent the first week in March in sunny Orlando, Florida. If you recall, J&D won an industry award and were honored at a conference being held at the Boardwalk in Disney, so the boys, Jon and I headed to the sunshine state along with Auntie Lisa, Grandma Janet, Grandpa Tom and Auntie Beans. Tom, Janet, Jon and Lisa attended conference events Tuesday-Friday so Auntie Beans (aka Alyssa aka "nanny" beans) came along to keep me company with the boys. Dane was a smooth flyer for his first time. Cade, however, had a bit of an issue on the first flight from Green Bay to Milwaukee. He was all excited as we climbed on board but as it become time to buckle up and settle in for the ride, he started crying, "I don't want to fly. Get me off this plane. I want to get off." This carried on for less than five minutes (but felt like MUCH, MUCH longer) as daddy, who was seated next to Cade, calmed him down. Meanwhile, I nervously held baby Dane and thought of (okay, and feared) our next, much longer flight. Thankfully, Cade cheered up and, upon landing, called out, "That was fun." We did all get a chuckle when the patient souls seated around us laughed and jokingly said, "Oh, we thought he got off the plane!" Thankfully, the next three flights went smoothly and Cade become a high flying ace, even during turbulence (Oooh, that was bumpy. Keep your seatbelts on!) and landing (Oooh, that was real fun. I like flying on airplanes). We stayed at a Disney property and were fortunate to be within walking distance of Downtown Disney. We had lots of fun eating (they even had a Babycakes gluten free bakery!), playing, shopping and strolling through Downtown Disney. Cade loved the pool and playgrounds at Saratoga Springs.

On Thursday night, the conference sponsored a night at Epcot. The firework show was amazing and HGTV was hosting their Flower & Garden Show. The topiaries of Disney characters were amazing! They were especially highlighting the Lion King characters, including Timon, Rafiki and of course the little lion king himself (PS the Lion King is finally being released from the Disney vault this fall!).
On Friday, everyone sans Tom and Jon (who were golfing) headed to Hollywood Studios for a day of fun. It was ESPN the Weekend so we got to see a taping of ESPN's Mike & Mike Show where they interviewed Green Bay Packer's Jennings and Driver. Cade and Dane loved the Pixar Parade and seeing their favorite Pixar characters. They also got to meet Lightning Maqueen, Mader, Handy Manny and the Little Einsteins, as well as sit in on a show with all the Disney Junior Characters including Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

On Saturday, the whole crew headed to the Magic Kingdom. Cade was especially enamored with seeing Mickey's castle. Oh, you thought it was Cinderella's castle? Well, according to Cade, you'd be wrong.

All in all, we had an amazing trip full of family memories. I suppose that's what dreams really are made of.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Prayers for Baby Clayton

“I know God will not give me anything I can't handle. I just wish He didn't trust me so much.” -Mother Theresa

Mother Theresa certainly had it right. At times, it's hard to understand God's plan when we are going through difficult times. Yet, I have to believe he knows. He knows our strength even when we do not. My heart hurts for my cousins Adam and Rachel, who have been entrusted by God to watch over their sweet baby boy Clayton. Clayton was born March 2 and recently diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. It amazes me to see the strength in Adam and Rachel as parents. I cannot begin to imagine the worry they have for the health of their sweet baby boy. I truly believe you never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. Because of their strength and love, baby Clayton will too know unconditional love and support.

In honor of baby Clayton, Jon, Cade, Dane and I will be joining Adam, Rachel, Clayton and their three-year old son Connor, along with many other extended family members, in the Great Strides Walk for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation on May 15 at the Milwaukee County Zoo. Please consider donating to sponsor us in the walk by clicking on the link below. Any amount you can donate is greatly appreciated and does make a difference in finding a cure for this devastating genetic disease.

If you are unable to donate, I ask that you please keep baby Clayton and his family in your thoughts and prayers.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Seven, Eight, Ain't that Great

So, we're a little bit behind with the month by month updates for Dane so today we have a two for one deal for you. Seven and eight month updates...enjoy...

At SEVEN months, Dane Garrison.... still smiley as ever

...LOVES his big brother. No one can get this guy to smile like the singing or talking of his big brother Cade. What, you can't tell from this picture?
...can sit up unassisted like quite the big guy around 20ish pounds from our calculations and approximately 28.5 inches
...STILL has no teeth (dear Dane's teeth - you can push your way through his swollen little gums any time now. Thanks, his loving mom)

...has a big love fest going with his daddy...there was no getting him to smile at the camera for me when daddy was waiting in the wings starting to figure out his forward motion army crawl really starting to squeal and "talk" still sleeping through the night, with some hiccups thanks to the aforementioned teeth (again, push through any time now) half in size three diapers, half in four

...still eating 8 ounces, 4 times a day and has solids in the morning and evening wearing 6-12 and 12-18 month clothes

...usually naps twice a day but is starting to nap for shorter periods of time (hopefully this resolves itself soon sweet need your snoozes!)

At EIGHT months, Dane Garrison... reading...okay, maybe not..but he tries...

...and he tries happily! Dane is truly such a smiley, happy little guy... getting to be so big..and mobile...I had to quick snap this photo before he rolled over and went on the move...yep, he's a scootin', army crawlin' boy... sitting up like a champ..and chompin' like a champ...but still no teeth :( starting to dislike the restrictive nature of the bumbo seat

...loves going after big brother's toys studying for his ACTs and LSATs...this smart little cookie must be taking after his mama...oh wait, maybe he's just checking out his fellow babies in one of his fave books...

...routinely practices his yoga move "downward dog"...this boy will be crawling soon for sure...

...went on his first plane ride...and did WONDERFUL

...visited Disneyworld and Hollywood Studios (watch for pics in the next post)

...really enjoys his
exersaucer...until he decides he needs to move

is enjoying more solids foods including pumpkin/banana, broccoli, pears + peas, banana raspberry oatmeal, peaches, mangoes, green beans + rice and peas + rice, among many others

...has started sampling the baby puffs but isn't quite the fan...yet...

...has started to hold his own bottle routinely
rockin' the size four diapers and 6-12 month and 12-18 month clothes

...drinks four 7.5-8 ounce bottles a day

...eats solids two times a day

...usually naps about twice a day, typically with one longer nap and one shorter nap (unless he's at the Y, then you're lucky if you get 20 minutes all day) still such a sweet, happy, smiley boy that is so well loved by his mommy, daddy and big brother

And just like that, we're nearly to nine back in a few weeks for the next update!