Thursday, September 10, 2009

A, B, C...

Cade's vocabulary is really starting to explode and he is beginning to put more and more sentences together. It's just such an amazing thing to watch. His newest favorite word is juice....and he knows exactly where it is in the refrigerator. His "juice" is actually 98% water with a splash of juice, but give him plain water and he knows the difference. We'll have the other refrigerator door open to fill his cup up with water from the filter and he'll point to the other door (our refrigerator is an armoire style) while trying to close the one we have open saying, "juice - juice." One word that eludes Cade, however, is please. We try and try to get him to say it...and he can say it...we've heard it. Hmm..where does that stubborn streak come from? Certainly not mom or dad. When we were at the cabin this weekend, I filled Cade's cup up with "juice" and asked him, yet again, to say please. Instead of his usual smirk (as in, I can say please, I just choose not to), he gave me a look of death and said, clear as day, "give. me. juice." I looked at Grandma Janet and my sister thinking I had to have heard incorrectly but their look said it all. I think if he could've stomped his foot as he said it, he would have. Hard to believe that sassiness could come from this sweet face....

On our way back from up north, my sister and I had on XM's 90's on 9 station when "Ice Ice Baby" came on. Cade typically likes to dance and jam in his car seat, but this time he exhibited a whole new level of enthusiasm. I guess he has a soft spot for cliche white rappers..hopefully that's not a future career path. When we got home, I had to download Cade's newest favorite jam, which he danced to the next evening.

Then again, maybe Cade just likes the words the end in "-ce".

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