Sunday, September 27, 2009

Fallin' for Fall...

We enjoyed another gorgeous Fall weekend. On Saturday, Cade and I went to the apple orchard again..this time with Grandma Lech, Auntie Lys and Uncle Kyle. Cade, once again, LOVED picking the apples. Once he realized where we were, he took off running yelling "APPLES!" It was too cute.

He gave Uncle Kyle an apple picking tutorial...

He was noticeably less thrilled with the photo opps...

It's hard to tell in the above family photos, but Cade did have a great time...

If you can believe it, Cade found a gourd to serve as a golf club and a pumpkin to use as a ball...he is definitely resourceful...

After the orchard outing and during Cade's afternoon nap, Alyssa and I did some crafting and painted pumpkins...

On Sunday, we had a lazy family day of football and baking..can you guess which activities Jon and I took part in? Cade was a BIG fan of the homemade applesauce...

Tomorrow we'll see if he likes the pumpkin apple streusel muffins....

Ahhh..we love fall...

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