Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Happy Holidays!

A belated very Merry Christmas to everyone. We hope your holidays were as blessed as ours were. The weather gave us a run for our money and prohibited us from traveling down to Milwaukee to spend time with family, but we ended up having a wonderful Christmas at home with both sides of the family.

On Christmas Eve, we attended mass. Cade was surprisingly very good at church..with one minor exception. He dropped his crackers in the pew in front of us (thankfully no one was sitting there), said "uh oh" and then proceeded to try to crawl under the pew to retrieve them. Thank goodness Grandpa retrieved the crackers and Auntie Lisa retrieved Cade. After mass, we visited Grandma Lech, Uncle Kyle and Auntie Lys since Grandpa had to work. They all headed over to Grandma & Grandpa Felch's with us where we visited with Auntie Lisa, Gigi, Great Aunt Jen and Uncle Mike.

Cade had fun dancing/bouncing...

We were able to have one nice family pic in front of the tree...

Cade hung out with Auntie Lisa a bit...

..and generally had a jolly good time in the spirit of old Saint Nick.

On Christmas Day, we had breakfast and opened gifts at Grandma & Grandpa Felch's in the morning. Then, we headed home for Cade's nap while we got dinner ready for Christmas with Grandma & Grandpa Lech, Uncle Kyle and Auntie Lys.

Cade loved his new sled from Grandma & Grandpa Felch....

He really LOVED crawling through his new tunnel from Auntie Lisa...

He even showed off daddy's new hat...


Of course, in the holiday tradition started last year, we had to adorn Cade with some bows from his present pile...

Cade was a big fan of his new basketball hoop that Santa dropped off at Grandma & Grandpa's house...he shoots, he scores!

After heading home for his nap, Cade was thrilled to see his tunnel set up at his house and attached to his new tent...cheese!

He loved snuggling up by Grandma & Grandpa...

And he got many more wonderful presents, including his fire truck from Uncle Kyle...

The day after Christmas, we headed over to Grandma & Grandpa Felch's again for Christmas with the Radant side of the family. Great Aunt Judy, Uncle Neil and cousin Cody drove up from Chicago for our ugly Christmas sweater contest.

Cade loved Grandpa's homemade 'beautiful' sweater that played music, jingled and sure did sparkle...and contrary to Jon's opinion, Cade was not participating in the ugly Christmas sweater contest...

The winner and first runner up were crowned..Jon & I were not victorious. Then again, how can you compete with this?

Cade loved all of his new presents, including his tractor and truck from Great Aunt Jen & Uncle Mike. He was happy to oblige snowman for a ride...

On Sunday morning, Cade was lucky enough for Santa to pay him a delayed visit to our house. He LOVE, LOVE, LOVED his new workbench, so he can work just like daddy...

Hard at work right away...

I think you just tighten this a bit...

Next, I'll try out my new hammer...

If you haven't overloaded on pictures, thanks for hanging with us to the end. If we weren't able to see you this holiday season, we hope yours was filled with family memories, love and laughter. Our sincerest wishes for a safe, healthy and happy New Year.

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