Monday, December 7, 2009

Oh Christmas tree...

This weekend, we headed out to "embrace the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols" - the Felch family Christmas tree (thanks Griswold clan). Cade was excited...

Hmm...this one seems nice...

Cade and mommy...

We searched high and low for the best tree..Cade managed the low perimeter...

Daddy managed the high perimeter...

There was also some teamwork involved...

Alas, we found it..the 2009 Felch family Christmas tree...

Daddy went to work...

On Sunday morning, Saint Nicholas paid a visit to one sweet, good little boy...

"Ooh, wooooowwww, choo choos!!!"

Cade was pleased with his new Mickey Mouse cereal bowl, tape measure like daddy and Polar Express DVD from Saint Nick...

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