Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Baby Mama

I've had a few requests to post a picture of my baby belly. After my pregnancy with Cade, I thought for sure that I'd do a better job of documenting the next pregnancy...not so much. I only have this photo as proof that I am indeed pregnant because Alyssa insisted on taking one. So, without further adieu, here I am at 22 weeks (I'm now at 24 weeks)..over halfway to seeing our sweet baby Dane!

It's hard to believe our sweet baby boy will be here before we know it..especially now that Spring has arrived in Wisconsin! You can bet nursery preparations are in full swing at the Felch casa...bless Jon for my incessant Internet searching to pull together a beautiful space for our new baby boy. I have settled on colors...grass green, navy and white (hey, my outfit above perfectly captures Dane's sanctuary!).

You can rest assured you'll see progress soon as we get the office cleaned out!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sleepy Slumber...

Last weekend, we celebrated Grandpa Lech's birthday. While Cade was excited about singing "happy to you" and eating chocolate cake, he was especially excited about the gift Grandpa brought for him - his new, big boy bed. We told Cade when he woke up from his nap that Grandpa was bringing his new bed over so every time a car drove by, he ran to the window yelling, "my new bed!!" He was so excited to help Grandpa and Daddy put the bed together. He kept running out of the room to grab more tools to help.

We were so lucky that he stayed in his bed the entire first night. We were a bit hesitant at nap time the next day but each time we checked on him, he was just sitting in bed reading his books and smiling and singing. Every night since then, he's been just as excited to sleep in his new bed and has stayed snuggled away all night long. Daddy likes the new bed too...there's room for two to snuggle and read!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Everybody's working for the weekend...

Sorry for the delay in Sanibel Island's been busy since we got back from vacation. Last night, I had to work late so Jon and Cade came and had dinner with me. Here's the little man sitting at mommy's desk...

He had a great time walking around the College, checking things out....then it was back home with daddy to catch some more March Madness games. I'm sure there will be lots more basketball this weekend! Go badgers!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Swingin' into Spring

It was certainly a relief to return from vacation to temps in the sixties and the absence of snow...Cade loved that both of these meant he could dust off the clubs and hit the links...ahem, the yard.

Such a sweet boy...oh, how we missed you. We'll be back tomorrow with Sanibel Island pics!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Leavin' on a jet plane...

The blog will be on hiatus until next week. Jon and I are headed off to sunny Florida for a long weekend vacation on Sanibel Island. We'll be heading here...

...for lots of reading, sunning, relaxing and just enjoying each other's company. Cade will be staying home with Grandma & Grandpa that in itself will be like a vacation for him. He certainly loves all of his grandparents!

Watch for photos and stories of our adventures (or lack thereof) next week. We're off to the beach!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Twice as nice...

And just like that, our life becomes even more blessed...seeing that sweet boy curled up, grabbing at his feet and ears...waving his little hands as if he already knows us. It's hard to imagine how amazing it will be to watch Cade transform from the sweet only child to the protective older brother. We are so glad he'll have his little brother to share life with..laughter and whispers...and of course trouble. With each other as brothers, they will have their strongest and closest of allies. It will be amazing to watch them grow into fine young men...hopefully keeping the spirit we so love in them as children. We can't wait to watch our sweet boys grow in love and life. Learn from each other. Love each other. And above all, know that the best gift we could ever give you is eachother.

Our sweet boys...Cade Thomas...and now, Dane Garrison. Our hearts are so full.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

12 Years...

Twelve years ago today, a shy and nervous 16-year old boy asked out an equally shy and nervous 15-year old girl...

...and they lived happily ever after.

"Love is the answer,
At least for most of the questions in my heart
Like why are we here? And where do we go?
And how come it's so hard?
It's not always easy and
Sometimes life can be deceiving
I'll tell you one thing it's always better when we're together"
-Jack Johnson, "Better Together"

Monday, March 1, 2010

Snowball Fight

As you saw from yesterday's pictures, Cade has a blast playing out in the snow. He especially loved throwing snowballs in the air for Bella to jump at. He would laugh hysterically with his new deep, grunting laughter...too funny. Just as soon as we'd make a snowball to give him, he'd throw it, then turn to us, asking "no ball peas" (aka snowball please in toddler speak).

Sometimes, however, Bella didn't want to cooperate and would sneak the snowball out of Cade's hands before his little mittened fingers could toss it in the air.

Other times, Cade threw it so fast, Bella wasn't even ready for it...

Such a sweet, silly boy with his best pal puppy...