Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sleepy Slumber...

Last weekend, we celebrated Grandpa Lech's birthday. While Cade was excited about singing "happy to you" and eating chocolate cake, he was especially excited about the gift Grandpa brought for him - his new, big boy bed. We told Cade when he woke up from his nap that Grandpa was bringing his new bed over so every time a car drove by, he ran to the window yelling, "my new bed!!" He was so excited to help Grandpa and Daddy put the bed together. He kept running out of the room to grab more tools to help.

We were so lucky that he stayed in his bed the entire first night. We were a bit hesitant at nap time the next day but each time we checked on him, he was just sitting in bed reading his books and smiling and singing. Every night since then, he's been just as excited to sleep in his new bed and has stayed snuggled away all night long. Daddy likes the new bed too...there's room for two to snuggle and read!

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