Sunday, April 4, 2010

Hoppy Easter!

We hope everyone had an egg-xellent Easter. We sure did..although it would have been nice had the warm temperatures during the week held on for the weekend. On Saturday morning, we headed to church for an Easter Egg Hunt. Cade was more of a tentative egg seeker...some of those kids were pretty aggressive!

Ooh, an egg!

Another one...

Saturday night, we had a yummy Easter dinner at Grandma & Grandpa Lech's house. Cade was quite enamored with his new dozer and dump truck from grandma and grandpa.

Saturday morning, we went to Easter mass at Gigi's church. After church, we headed to Grandma & Grandpa Felch's for a super delicious brunch.

Cade loved his new tornado tee from Gigi. It suspends the ball in the air!

Grandma Janet, ahem the Easter bunny, brought Cade some bug collecting tools including a new green bug net, which Cade likened to a hoop.

The Easter Bunny (aka Grandpa Tom) found a new, real club for Cade. He had to test it out right away...

Hm..where are those baskets??

Cade loved his new baseball toy from Auntie Lisa. He had to break out his tools to help daddy put it together.

All and all, it was a wonderful Easter weekend of fun. We hope you all had a blessed and happy Easter!

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