Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pool Party

It has been hot, hot, hot lately so Sunday we headed to the pool at Greenwood for some family fun. Grandma Janet and Auntie Lys splish splashed with us as well. Cade has been to the pool with grandma, but this was the first trip of the year for Jon, Dane and I. Cade showed off his splish, splash and jumping skills. The first time he went to the pool, Cade would hardly go near the kiddie pool...then he would just sit on the edge...then he would walk across the kiddie pool clinging to grandma...and now, well, he splish splashes about and even jumps into the big pool (into someone's arms of course).
Here's the little dolphin boy in action...

Pouring water with daddy...

Cade in his shriners hat...

Kick board time!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

One Month

At one month, Dane Garrison….

…is wearing 0-3 month clothes, although some of them are short on his long legs

…is eating every 3 hours during the day, but sometimes is hungry after only 1 or 2 hours (this boy can eat!)

…usually only wakes up once during the night (anytime from 12-3) and once early morning (4:30-6ish)

…has a good morning nap and usually one good afternoon/evening nap, and is fussiest in the afternoon and evening

…likes to lay on his back and kick his long legs about

…is already smiling

…likes to be held and is not a huge fan of his swing or bouncer

…has incredible neck/head strength and likes to look around when held on your shoulder

…DOES NOT like getting in his car seat…we usually have to rock him for a while before we can leave the house

…is soothed by white noise - thank goodness for iTunes to put on the iPod, phone and iPad

…likes to be swaddled when sleeping

…sleeps with one hand up by his face if he’s not swaddled, just like his big brother did as a newborn

…brings us all far too much joy and fills our hearts with love
...is especially loved by his big bro

We can't wait to see you change and grow little man!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Livin' the Good Life

It's definitely an adjustment living with two boys. Jon and I laughed the other day when we just had Dane (Cade was splashin' at the pool with Grandma Janet) at how easy it was with just one at home...in comparison to how we felt when we had just one newborn and that was Cade. I think that's what they call perspective, folks. It's amazing how your outlook changes after 2 1/2 years and another child.

We are definitely settling into life with two..and it seems to work pretty well when we have two parents to split the duties - diaper changes, bedtime routines, baths, eating - the list goes on and on. But we wouldn't change a thing (well, maybe Dane would sleep eight hours at night, Cade would go right to sleep at night and we'd have someone to prepare our meals, clean our house and finish our lingering remodeling projects - hey, we can dream, right?!). All kidding aside, we are so happy and so blessed to call these two little guys our own.

Life is good.

Monday, August 9, 2010

More love...

I nearly forgot to show the video of Cade's first official meeting with baby Dane. He couldn't wait to read him his truck book. Instant love...

Brotherly Love

Brothers. Cade has settled into his big brother role quite well. He loves "baby Nane" and sings him songs, brings him his nuk, helps with bottles and always ensures he has his blankie. When he cries, he says "it's okay baby nane." He loves to kiss his head and touch his feet. After three weeks, already so much love...a true brotherly bond building. And while I'm sure there will be many times they'll want to kill each other growing up, I'm sure they'll do anything for each other. Because that's just what brothers do.

Three boys and I...life will be interesting I'm sure. But fun, filled with laughs and certainly filled with love. And perhaps a lot of time shopping by mom...

"These are the moments I know heaven must exist,
These are the moments I know all I need is this,
I have all I've waited for,
And I could not ask for more"
-Sarah Evans