Saturday, August 21, 2010

One Month

At one month, Dane Garrison….

…is wearing 0-3 month clothes, although some of them are short on his long legs

…is eating every 3 hours during the day, but sometimes is hungry after only 1 or 2 hours (this boy can eat!)

…usually only wakes up once during the night (anytime from 12-3) and once early morning (4:30-6ish)

…has a good morning nap and usually one good afternoon/evening nap, and is fussiest in the afternoon and evening

…likes to lay on his back and kick his long legs about

…is already smiling

…likes to be held and is not a huge fan of his swing or bouncer

…has incredible neck/head strength and likes to look around when held on your shoulder

…DOES NOT like getting in his car seat…we usually have to rock him for a while before we can leave the house

…is soothed by white noise - thank goodness for iTunes to put on the iPod, phone and iPad

…likes to be swaddled when sleeping

…sleeps with one hand up by his face if he’s not swaddled, just like his big brother did as a newborn

…brings us all far too much joy and fills our hearts with love especially loved by his big bro

We can't wait to see you change and grow little man!

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