Monday, August 9, 2010

Brotherly Love

Brothers. Cade has settled into his big brother role quite well. He loves "baby Nane" and sings him songs, brings him his nuk, helps with bottles and always ensures he has his blankie. When he cries, he says "it's okay baby nane." He loves to kiss his head and touch his feet. After three weeks, already so much love...a true brotherly bond building. And while I'm sure there will be many times they'll want to kill each other growing up, I'm sure they'll do anything for each other. Because that's just what brothers do.

Three boys and will be interesting I'm sure. But fun, filled with laughs and certainly filled with love. And perhaps a lot of time shopping by mom...

"These are the moments I know heaven must exist,
These are the moments I know all I need is this,
I have all I've waited for,
And I could not ask for more"
-Sarah Evans

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