Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Six Months...

Six months..half a year...how did that happen?! It feels like just yesterday I was pregnant with you sweet boy...

At six months, Dane Garrison...

...is 19 pounds (75th percentile) and nearly 28 inches (90th percentile) long

...has perfected his skills at tummy time. He loves rolling over and hanging out on his belly

Although he does get a bit frustrated that he can't crawl yet..he'll get rocking on his belly with his hands and feet in the air...or he'll use his feet as leverage to move him forward with his cute little butt in the air...hey, look at me!

...has gotten pretty adept at sitting up unassisted...although usually he ends up toppling over in a side roll maneuver...

...LOVES munching on his hands..his whole hands (sometimes choking himself in the process)..but unfortunately for the little dude, all that gnawing hasn't resulted in a tooth yet...

...is also a big fan of his feet...which are frequently grabbed and, you guessed it, put straight into his mouth...not too shabby for a long fellow like him

...is such a happy, smiley guy and, as of late, a loud little man squealing and 'singing' his little heart out

...is still enamored with his big brother Cade, who always gets huge gummy smiles from his little bro

...is starting to really like his exersaucer...this little man LOVES to be able to see what's going on...

...easily sleeps through the night with the occasional wake up singing performance noted above...but fear not, the little performer puts himself back to sleep

...is still rockin' the size three diapers, but will be moving to fours soon

...is wearing mostly 6-12 month clothes, with some 12-18 all-in-one outfits and onesies mixed in

...still naps about three times a day..usually one longer nap, one medium nap and one catnap

...drinks four bottles a day (8-9 ounces each) and has solids for breakfast around 9:00 a.m. and dinner around 5:30-6:00 p.m.

...has sampled rice cereal (not a fan), oatmeal (yum), applesauce (yum) and bananas (yum)...next up, pears and sweet potatoes

...is particularly keen on grabbing and touching faces...especially when he's being fed or snuggled

...quietly 'sings' as he's falling and drifting off to sleep (which he does quite well on his own..thank goodness for our good sleeping boy..now if only he could remind his big brother how he too used to go to bed so well!)

Happy half birthday sweet boy. We love you more with each day and are so proud to be your parents.


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