Monday, January 17, 2011


We had a wonderful Christmas. We feel so blessed that we were able to share the holidays with our family...after all, that is what the season is all about.

On Christmas Eve, we went to church service. Afterward, we headed to Grandma & Grandpa Felch's for hors d'ouevres and quality family time. We are so happy to have our two sweet boys this year. It's true that children bring that extra special sparkle and dazzle to the holidays.

After visiting and filling our bellies (too bad they didn't shake when we laughed like a bowl full of jelly!), we headed home with two very tired boys to prepare for a visit from old saint Nick himself. We prepared with Cade to set out cookies and milk for Santa...that is, until Cade told us he didn't want to leave his cookies for Santa. We told him that it's nice to share and he said, "but I think Santa be REAL hungry for pizza." Jon agreed that Santa did like pizza (imagine that!) and so this is what we left out for the big, jolly guy...

...milk, pizza and a note from Cade to the jolly man himself.

A few hours later, Santa set to his work...

Christmas morning was so sweet this year to see Cade excited and full of anticipation as he came in our room Christmas morning. He was a big fan of his new monster truck. He wants to "drive baby Dane to the park to play." After a couple quick jaunts in the living room (including nearly taking out the Christmas tree), we unplugged the time will have to wait until Spring.

Dane had a happy face on even if he wasn't totally aware of what was going on...he's truly our smiley boy...and we expected nothing less on Christmas. Lucky for him, Santa also filled his stocking which, coincidentally, is nearly his size...

After opening presents from Santa and mom and dad at home, we headed to Grandma & Grandpa Felch's for Christmas Day brunch with Grandma & Grandpa, Auntie Lisa, Great Aunt Candy and Uncle Gary. After a very yummy brunch, we headed to the living room to open gifts.

Dane was quite enamored with all the paper and ribbons...which all went straight to his mouth.

Cade had quite the haul as well...our boys are definitely well loved.

Is this present for me?!

The day after Christmas, we celebrated with the Lech's...Grandpa & Grandma, Uncle Kyle and Jenna and Auntie Beans all came over. Cade and Dane were spoiled yet again. We had such a wonderful holiday feeling blessed with good health and quality family time.

Cade and Dane were so sweet with each can see just how enamored Dane is with his big brother.

We can't wait to see how our sweet boys continue to celebrate the holidays together. One thing is for certain, they've brightened our holidays even more than we ever thought possible.

We love you boys.

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