Monday, March 5, 2012

Fantastic February's been nearly a year. Have you stuck with us? Probably not...judging by the analytics...and I don't blame you. I'm going to attempt to have at least a monthly update..especially for our family members who don't get the photo updates a la Facebook. So, without further's a recap of February.

Cade turned four...I cannot even believe that we have a four year old. FOUR?! Our baby boy is four. My, how he's grown. He is such a sweet, kind boy. He loves his brother so much and seeing him watch out for and teach Dane make my heart smile. He is cautious..perhaps a bit like his momma. He's trusting and sensitive...again, a bit like his momma. But like daddy he has a smile that lights up a room and athletic ability that astounds me at his young age. He loves playing basketball and takes pride in showing Dane how to dribble and shoot. It's not uncommon to find the two of them with their shirts off playing basketball...or as Cade says, "We're just basketballers, mom...we play ball in tummies." He is inquisitive and smart and so, so funny. He loves music (especially Beyonce, Zak Brown Band and Eric Church), trains, trucks and cars. He still loves golf, as evidenced by his desire for a golf birthday party. On his birthday, Jon and I picked him up early from school and went to Clay Corner to make something. Cade painted an airplane and a mug for Auntie Lisa's birthday. At Cade's request, we went to Godfather's Pizza for dinner and ate was a big deal because typically we only do take out or delivery. After pizza, we headed home for a golf cake and ice cream, complete with a visit from Auntie Beans and Uncle Kyle.

 Friday is also the month of love and for Valentine's Day, I made some heart shaped doughnuts for the boys...Cade couldn't  believe that I had to go to work..."but it's VALENTINE'S DAY, mom!" Thankfully the boys got their sugar fix in before Bella devoured the remainder of the doughnuts. 

The boys also have a Valentine Concert at school...because the Christmas holiday is so busy, they've elected to have a Valentine Concert instead. It's adorable to watch and we were fortunate that Grandma Lech, Grandma Janet and Great Aunt Jen were all able to watch Cade and Dane in action. Cade did a wonderful job singing..much better than his first appearance (around Dane's age) where he froze, cried and had to be carried. Dane, on the hand, hammed it up and turned on the charm in his love crown, appropriately titled "I'm cute."

{Cade is in the back row, far right.}

On the 18th, we had Cade's official "Fore-th" Birthday Party. It was a tee-riffic time (okay, pun fun is over) and we celebrated with Grandma & Grandpa Lech, Grandpa Tom and Grandma Janet, Gigi, Great Aunt Judy, Great Aunt Paula, Great Aunt Jen, Great Uncle Don and Jan, Auntie Lisa, Auntie Beans, Uncle Kyle, Jarrett, Lindsey and Leah. Cade got some great gifts, including a new bike and helmet from mom and dad. I was hard at work that week prepping the chocolate golf suckers, cupcakes and cake..but it was all worth it seeing Cade's excited face the day of. A special shout out to Auntie Beans, who helped me with the prep of the fruit "par-faits" and "club" sandwiches (okay, maybe pun fun wasn't over)..and don't forget the bucket of range balls (aka donut holes).

 On Sunday, we had brunch and celebrated cousin Jarrett's first birthday. The boys loved playing together and we did manage one semi decent photo of Cade and Dane showing Jarrett how to relax in his new chair.
 The rest of the month included staying busy inside since the weather outside wasn't so great...fort building, riding bikes at the shop and "basketballin'" rounded out the month of February. Dane continued his no fear attitude by learning to scale stools and climb and crawl across cabinets and the kitchen island...never a dull moment at the Felch house.

See you in a few weeks for the March Madness recap...

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