Monday, November 30, 2009

Splish Splash Snowman

Our sweet boy is becoming quite the ham. He now knows what it means to say, "cheese." That isn't to say he always cooperates...but when he does, his smile and twinkly eyes are a precious treat. See for yourself...

After last night's bath, Cade showed off his new snowman bath wrap from Saint Nick, ahem, Auntie Lisa...

Such a sweet, snowy, splish splashy boy...

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Giving Thanks..

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Cade was thankful for the Macy's holiday parade...he LOVED all the singing and dancing...

I was thankful for yummy desserts that turned out...

Cade was thankful for cuddles in the chair with grandpa...

And we were all thankful for wonderful family whom we love so much...

We hope your Thanksgiving holiday was as wonderful as ours was...and wish you continued holiday season blessings!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

So Thankful...

Today, we pause to reflect on all that we have to be thankful for...and we have so much...our beautiful, wonderful family - amazing friends - our health - God's grace and all of the blessings he bestows upon us - the troops who fight for our freedom - our freedom - warm beds - full bellies and of course, the biggest blessing in our life, our sweet boy Cade...who has grown so much since last Thanksgiving.

We are thankful for Cade's sweet and kind spirit, his infectious giggle, his big hugs and eskimo kisses, his smile that lights up his face and makes his eyes twinkle, his open mind, his ability to see the beauty in life, his helpfulness, his love and so much more...

For that, and so much more, today we give thanks.

Wishing you all a joy-filled and blessed Thanksgiving!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Long time, no chat...

Wow, have we been bad about posting... In our defense, we've been busy doing some remodeling in our basement which has kept us pretty busy. And this weekend, of course, is another holiday weekend for the men of Wisconsin (my husband included)...the opening of deer season. Friday night, we headed to Gander Mountain so Jon could pick up some last minute supplies. Cade was happy to help out (sorry for the grainy images taken on my Blackberry)...

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Lion on the loose...

Today, I realized that I forgot to post the video of our little lion on the loose on Halloween...just watch his cute little butt run!

Monday, November 9, 2009

All I want for Christmas...

Sunday was another fabulous family day. As Jon and I were reading the Sunday paper, Cade got a glimpse of something he liked...the Target holiday toy ad. He had a fun time showing daddy what he wants for Christmas.

It was gorgeous outside so of course Cade hit the links...

Catch me if you can....

And of course Cade found his way over to the park for some sliding with daddy...

Such a sweet boy...

Sunday, November 8, 2009

We're havin' a heat wave...

We had another great weekend. The weather was can't beat temps in the 60s in November! We played outside on Saturday morning and, of course, Cade headed right over to the park.

There was some swinging...

...some whirling...

...and of course some hoops...

All of that playing made for a hungry boy. Cade ate his crackers, cheese, turkey and raspberries but he was still hungry enough to munch on daddy's lunch...

...two peas in a pod...

Friday, November 6, 2009

21 Months..

With all of the Halloween hoopla, I realized I forgot to do Cade's 21 month snapshot. Suffice it to say, Cade's language skills and general awareness are exploding. It's amazing to watch his young, little mind work...

So, what are Cade's interests these days? It's pretty simple..trucks (gucks), buses (bussss), firetrucks (fi-tuck), golf (gof), basketball (ba ket ba oop), baseball (pay ba - aka play ball) and football (FUT ba). To put a long story short, he's all boy.

Here are some fun short stories - consider it a day in the life of Cade...

If you know me, you know I have an affinity for Starbucks. Cade's caught on to that. If we drive by Starbucks (who are we kidding, we don't drive by), Cade says, "mama sa buk." If he sees the Starbucks cup, he says "sa buck." In fact, just now I hear Cade doing his nightly chatting in his crib before bed and I'm pretty sure he just said "mama sa buk" and then "dada juice" (daddy's juice=Jon's soda).

Cade also loves much so that any animal remotely resembling a horse is a "nay." That means a trip to Gander Mountain yields a whole lotta "nays" from our sweet boy as he points at the deer, moose, etc. There are also a few "quacks" worked in for the goose and duck decoys.

Cade's also a fan of boats. Anytime we go over a bridge or are near water, Cade looks around and says, "boat mama, boat dada." If there are no boats, he shakes his head and says, "nope, no boat."

As I've learned, Cade's like his daddy when he was little in that he loves having his back rubbed or for you to play with his hair when he's much so that if you stop, he'll grab your hand and put it on his back or head. If I'm rubbing his hair and he wants me to rub his back, he'll remove my hand and place it where he wants it. I guess he just knows what he wants!

What else? Well, he loves to dance and instantly starts jamming the minute music comes on, even if it's a commercial.

He loves saying "uh oh" when he realizes something bad has happened. Case in point, Jon was watching "The Patriot" and a horse was brutally killed. Cade looked up from his toys and chimed in, "uh oh dada" at which Jon asked me, "At what age do they start to realize what they're watching and we should monitor things" and I said, "um, now..."

He loves making animal noises and pretending to be a dog or snake or frog. If he sees another dog, he barks and says "yike bewa" (aka like Bella).

He likes to if you sneeze, clear your throat or pass gas, he thinks it's great fun to try to do it as well...or make a noise that sounds like it. He's especially aware of the gas passing..just tonight Bella passed gas and Cade said, "mama bewa poop." I couldn't help but laugh.

Every day, he enriches our lives and opens our eyes to the magic around us. He is such a joy and blessing. Not to mention a non-stop laugh fest. We love you little man...happy 21 blissful months.
And because we can't have this much text without a photo, here's a peak at the little man a year ago this week...

Sunday, November 1, 2009


We had a wonderful time trick-or-treating with our little lion last night. Cade was not particularly keen on the whole trick-or-treating idea. He couldn't understand why we weren't at Grandma Lech's to play with toys.

Hm...shouldn't I be on the outside of the door for this trick-or-treating thing??

On the other hand, Cade was VERY keen on trick-or-treating to the firehouse to see "gampa" and the "fi-tucks."

Forget Halloween, grandpa was definitely the hero of the day (pun intended) for letting Cade climb in and "drive" the firetruck.

I didn't think Cade could possibly get any more excited and then Grandpa turned on the lights..or, as Cade says,"YIGHTS!!!" He is a huge fan of lights right's a trip in itself to go to Menards and wander through the Christmas light and outdoor displays. It's going to be light heaven around our house when Christmas arrives! (As if I need any more reason to love and enjoy the spirit of Christmas!)

Grandma Lech also came along for the ride...

After the firehouse, we went to our church where Grandma & Grandpa Felch and Gigi were setting up games for the Halloween carnival.

Cade was a big fan of Grandma's bean bag toss game..go figure...

He even caught some fruit snacks "fishing"...thanks for the help Grandpa!

All that trick-or-treating action made for one very tired boy...when we came in the house, Cade laid right down on the couch. He was so sleepy, he didn't even want dinner...a Halloween treat of "fench fies" and "nugs" from know the boy had to be tired to pass up "fies."

We could barely even get his costume off of him. He was back at it this morning however..he handed daddy his lion pants and said "rooooaaaarrr." Such a sweet, silly little dude. We love you more than words can say little man.