Friday, November 6, 2009

21 Months..

With all of the Halloween hoopla, I realized I forgot to do Cade's 21 month snapshot. Suffice it to say, Cade's language skills and general awareness are exploding. It's amazing to watch his young, little mind work...

So, what are Cade's interests these days? It's pretty simple..trucks (gucks), buses (bussss), firetrucks (fi-tuck), golf (gof), basketball (ba ket ba oop), baseball (pay ba - aka play ball) and football (FUT ba). To put a long story short, he's all boy.

Here are some fun short stories - consider it a day in the life of Cade...

If you know me, you know I have an affinity for Starbucks. Cade's caught on to that. If we drive by Starbucks (who are we kidding, we don't drive by), Cade says, "mama sa buk." If he sees the Starbucks cup, he says "sa buck." In fact, just now I hear Cade doing his nightly chatting in his crib before bed and I'm pretty sure he just said "mama sa buk" and then "dada juice" (daddy's juice=Jon's soda).

Cade also loves much so that any animal remotely resembling a horse is a "nay." That means a trip to Gander Mountain yields a whole lotta "nays" from our sweet boy as he points at the deer, moose, etc. There are also a few "quacks" worked in for the goose and duck decoys.

Cade's also a fan of boats. Anytime we go over a bridge or are near water, Cade looks around and says, "boat mama, boat dada." If there are no boats, he shakes his head and says, "nope, no boat."

As I've learned, Cade's like his daddy when he was little in that he loves having his back rubbed or for you to play with his hair when he's much so that if you stop, he'll grab your hand and put it on his back or head. If I'm rubbing his hair and he wants me to rub his back, he'll remove my hand and place it where he wants it. I guess he just knows what he wants!

What else? Well, he loves to dance and instantly starts jamming the minute music comes on, even if it's a commercial.

He loves saying "uh oh" when he realizes something bad has happened. Case in point, Jon was watching "The Patriot" and a horse was brutally killed. Cade looked up from his toys and chimed in, "uh oh dada" at which Jon asked me, "At what age do they start to realize what they're watching and we should monitor things" and I said, "um, now..."

He loves making animal noises and pretending to be a dog or snake or frog. If he sees another dog, he barks and says "yike bewa" (aka like Bella).

He likes to if you sneeze, clear your throat or pass gas, he thinks it's great fun to try to do it as well...or make a noise that sounds like it. He's especially aware of the gas passing..just tonight Bella passed gas and Cade said, "mama bewa poop." I couldn't help but laugh.

Every day, he enriches our lives and opens our eyes to the magic around us. He is such a joy and blessing. Not to mention a non-stop laugh fest. We love you little man...happy 21 blissful months.
And because we can't have this much text without a photo, here's a peak at the little man a year ago this week...

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