Sunday, November 1, 2009


We had a wonderful time trick-or-treating with our little lion last night. Cade was not particularly keen on the whole trick-or-treating idea. He couldn't understand why we weren't at Grandma Lech's to play with toys.

Hm...shouldn't I be on the outside of the door for this trick-or-treating thing??

On the other hand, Cade was VERY keen on trick-or-treating to the firehouse to see "gampa" and the "fi-tucks."

Forget Halloween, grandpa was definitely the hero of the day (pun intended) for letting Cade climb in and "drive" the firetruck.

I didn't think Cade could possibly get any more excited and then Grandpa turned on the lights..or, as Cade says,"YIGHTS!!!" He is a huge fan of lights right's a trip in itself to go to Menards and wander through the Christmas light and outdoor displays. It's going to be light heaven around our house when Christmas arrives! (As if I need any more reason to love and enjoy the spirit of Christmas!)

Grandma Lech also came along for the ride...

After the firehouse, we went to our church where Grandma & Grandpa Felch and Gigi were setting up games for the Halloween carnival.

Cade was a big fan of Grandma's bean bag toss game..go figure...

He even caught some fruit snacks "fishing"...thanks for the help Grandpa!

All that trick-or-treating action made for one very tired boy...when we came in the house, Cade laid right down on the couch. He was so sleepy, he didn't even want dinner...a Halloween treat of "fench fies" and "nugs" from know the boy had to be tired to pass up "fies."

We could barely even get his costume off of him. He was back at it this morning however..he handed daddy his lion pants and said "rooooaaaarrr." Such a sweet, silly little dude. We love you more than words can say little man.

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