Thursday, November 26, 2009

So Thankful...

Today, we pause to reflect on all that we have to be thankful for...and we have so much...our beautiful, wonderful family - amazing friends - our health - God's grace and all of the blessings he bestows upon us - the troops who fight for our freedom - our freedom - warm beds - full bellies and of course, the biggest blessing in our life, our sweet boy Cade...who has grown so much since last Thanksgiving.

We are thankful for Cade's sweet and kind spirit, his infectious giggle, his big hugs and eskimo kisses, his smile that lights up his face and makes his eyes twinkle, his open mind, his ability to see the beauty in life, his helpfulness, his love and so much more...

For that, and so much more, today we give thanks.

Wishing you all a joy-filled and blessed Thanksgiving!

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