Saturday, May 1, 2010


Happy May Day! Wow, where does the time go? I can't believe our sweet boy is 27 months old...and I am over 27 weeks pregnant. We couldn't be more blessed.

Cade is making us laugh more and more every day as his language just explodes. Here are some of his current favorites:

Puzzles, Driving his tractor to pick up sticks, "Shoveling" and helping daddy in the yard, Golf (Shocker!), Baseball, Cars, Reading Books (especially pointing out animals and making their noises), Counting (he can get to 11), Tools and of course "choo choos"

ABC's, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Wheels on the Bus, Monkeys on the Bed

Fruit (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, strawberries..if we're out, he says "go buy some mommy?"), Chicken (he'll drive his little truck saying he's going to "buy chicken"), french fries, fruit leather, pancakes (he'd eat them every meal of the day), eggs (see pancakes) and, as of late, he's discovered ice cream...for any food he likes, he takes a bite and says, "wow, yummy..."

He loves asking "what doing" and is becoming very inquisitive. He's also beginning to test his independence with the ever present "no." He does know right from wrong, however. If Jon gives him a look, he'll start counting "one, two..." like Jon does when he wants him to do something. If I give him a look, he'll say "chair, momma" because he knows that's where he goes for his two minute time out. He's also figured out how to say "I sorry" and then "hug?" Overall, he's really quite a good boy. He definitely makes us laugh every day and fills our hearts with so much joy and love.

And, because just text won't do, here's a little video of Cade that I took trying (unsuccessfully) to get him to count. It's much more difficult to get photos or video lately because the minute the camera comes out, he says "I see???" As you'll see, he's very proud of the fact that he's two...everyone else is "old," especially Grandpa Tom (sorry Tom).

And, just for fun, here's a photo of the little guy acting silly by pressing his face against the glass on the patio door. He just loves hanging on the deck with Bella.

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