Saturday, May 8, 2010

A Day for Mothers

"The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new."

What a sweet boy and one more on the way. Motherhood is one of the rarest of gifts...a chance to see yourself in another. An opportunity to love without condition...and be loved back the same. I am who I am because of my beautiful wonderful, mother and to have the opportunity to pass that on to my beautiful boys will be one of the greatest blessings I could ever receive.

Cade Thomas - my sweet, happy, joy filled boy. I gave him life, but he gave me the life I always wanted. As Cade grows, I grow...and Jon and I couldn't be more proud or blessed. We are better for having our sweet boy..soon to be boys. You show us to appreciate every moment. Yes, there are big moments that we capture in memory and photos but we also know that it's the smallest moments that change our lives without us even knowing it. Here's to many more happy big and small moments as a family...wrapped in love and laughter.

Happy Mother's day to all the wonderful mothers and grandmothers...especially our amazing and inspirational mothers. We wouldn't be the parents or people we are today without you. If our children look to us with the admiration we have for you, we'll consider ourselves lucky and blessed.

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