Sunday, May 23, 2010


Last weekend, we had Jon's cousin Victoria's wedding in Green Bay. Cade was pretty well behaved..he had a few moments (saying "hi mommy" as I came back to the pew from my reading, singing "EIEIO" every time we sang and, upon hearing a firetruck outside, "Ooh is it Kyle??). He was not particularly thrilled about being woke from his nap for the reception...

Shy boy...

Cade was quite tentative on the dance floor at first..he wanted to watch and take it all in. After a while, he joined Auntie Lisa.

Should I dance like this??

On Sunday morning, we checked out the pool/water park at the hotel. Cade was pretty tentative at first. He liked watching all of the water features but wasn't so keen on jumping in.

And then we couldn't keep him out of the water...

He loved shooting hoops with grandma and Auntie Lisa...

And he was really excited when daddy came down to play...

Slam Dunk!

Splish splash!

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