Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a wonderful, relaxing time at the cabin over Memorial Day weekend. Cade loved hanging in his pool...kicking, splashing and sliding around. He was living the good life with his Adirondack chair right in the pool. It was nice that the weather was actually quite warm...warmer than most days in July last summer!

He was really excited to "drive boat"...even if the boat didn't leave the boat hoist. And yes, Cade is sporting the full on surfer dude look and is in desperate need of a haircut.

Unfortunately, the heat got the best of Cade on Sunday and he was not feeling so well. He was such a trooper while being sick. Grandma Janet was a trooper as well...she was on the receiving end of a not so pleasant incident with the little man. Through it all, he maintained his sense of humor as mommy and daddy showed him how to use the bucket to be sick. Fortunately, our little man was back to himself on Monday morning.

All in all, it was another wonderful weekend. And, just like last Memorial Day, we came back to a Tuesday off to work on a house project. Last year it was our master bath...this year, the nursery. Here are a few in progress pics of the office to baby Dane's nursery transition.

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