Saturday, June 19, 2010

Strides for Hope

Last weekend, we had a team in the Wausau Relay for Life in honor of my mom. We were very fortunate that the rain drenched forecast proved wrong and it ended up being a fairly pleasant evening and morning, albeit a bit overcast and cool. Our deepest thanks to all of you who donated to our cause...words can't express how thankful we are. Through your generosity, our team raised nearly $4,100! We're already talking about how we can top that next year!

On Friday evening, they have a luminary ceremony where individuals can purchase a luminary in honor or in memory of a friend or loved one. The luminary bags are lined around the track and at night when they're lit, it's quite a poignant site to see how many people in our local area alone who are affected by cancer. Of course, Cade had to color his luminary for grandma...

Through events like the Relay for Life, we are truly making a difference in curing this terrible disease that takes so much from so many of us. We participate so that one day, families and individuals won't have to go through what we're going through today. Hope will replace sadness and will replace death...and many more birthdays will be celebrated. In the meantime, we enjoy EVERY minute. We pray. We look for strength and faith to guide us. And we cherish every moment.

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours."
Mark 11:24

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