Thursday, June 10, 2010

Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

With a lot of apprehension, I took Cade to get his hair cut tonight. If you didn't know, Cade doesn't have the best track record with haircuts. He's screamed and cried during every single haircut and the last time I took him to get it cut, I literally had to hold him in a bear hug the entire time. For his last cut, Grandma Janet and Auntie Lisa took him and it was his best yet. He had to be held but he only cried a little may have helped that the cut didn't occur at the barbershop that time. Instead, Cade saw his "stylist" Leah at her house, along with her little boy, Maddox. We went with the odds this time again and went to Leah's house for the big cut. We prepped for it all day saying how it was going to be fun to go see and play with Leah and baby Maddox. I'm not sure what made the difference, but FINALLY, we had a successful haircut sans tears. I told Cade I was so proud of him for being brave and he could eat whatever he wanted for dinner. He selected pancakes and breakfast for dinner it was. Here's our happy little camper enjoying his dinner...

And in case you were wondering how long Cade's hair had got, here's a snapshot from a couple days prior. Auntie Lisa's friend Katie asked if Cade was going for the hockey player look...and with his Minnesota Gophers shirt, he looks like he could be hitting the ice. Although I must say that although we agreed hockey would be the only sport we could support the Gophers in (and only when not playing the Badgers), I have to throw out there that it's the Badgers that have been representing at the Frozen Four in recent years.

The determined (and long haired) little man was cutting grass just like daddy on his of his favorite activities.

And, as much as I do love Cade's hair long, even I had to admit the shag in the eyes had to go. The little man was starting to do the Justin Bieber head cock.

Now we can only hope that the tides have turned and future haircuts will go just as smoothly as things went tonight. I'll be sure to stock up on pancakes and strawberries.

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