Friday, July 16, 2010

28 Years

Today is my birthday...and it's been quite a year. A year full of love, joy, changes, sadness and laughter. A year of home remodels, nursery design, sickness, vacations, family time and preparation for sweet baby Dane. It's also been a year rich in lessons. This was a season in life reminding me to embrace the positive and ditch the negative. I've learned to live in the moment...and to laugh and love with all my heart, all the time.

I've learned to cherish every moment and thank God for his blessings.
28 years of blessings to be exact. Like my wonderful mom and dad who helped shape the woman I am today. I wouldn't be a fraction of the parent and person I am today without your love, strength, guidance and support. I have the best brother and sister anyone could ask make me laugh and I cherish every minute we spend together. Life just wouldn't be the same without you Ky-Guy and Beans. The hands down, best in-laws in the world...when I married Jon, I also gained a truly wonderful second family. I'm blessed with the best family and friends that anyone could ask for...and I can't imagine life without you all. I have a beautiful boy, soon to be boys, who have shown me that love has no boundaries and life is a playground. And who can forget my best friend, husband and soul mate - Jon, you make me a better person and a better mom. You make me laugh. You make me feel loved. Life is always better when we're together.

I am truly grateful for the year that has passed and look forward to the continued blessings in my 28th year. Thank you all for the laughter, support and love. Without you all, my world would have a little less sparkle and a little less shine.

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