Sunday, July 25, 2010

Welcome Sweet Baby Dane

He's here!
Dane Garrison Felch arrived on Tuesday, July 20th
8:36 p.m.
8 lb - 13 oz
20 inches
...and handsome!
Never mind that this sweet boy was due to arrive via scheduled Cesarean on Wednesday, July 21 at 9:30 a.m. On Tuesday afternoon, I started having contractions, which I dismissed, as I'd been having them for the past week and they always quit after a consistent 30-40 minutes. I had my last doctor appointment at 3:20 that afternoon and finalized things with my OB-GYN. I stopped at Target to get a few last minute items and noticed the contractions were regular and stronger so I started timing them with my handy phone app. After an hour and a half of painful contractions lasting 1-2 minutes and coming every 3 minutes, I figured I better call in. The doctor on call didn't want me risking anything and said to come in right away and we'd do the c-section that night. Everything went smoothly...much less stressful and traumatic than last time. I wasn't able to have my doctor but the on-call OB-GYN was wonderful. By Tuesday evening, our little man had arrived...on his great grandpa Lech's birthday and named after his great grandpa Felch. It was all meant to be.

Cade quickly settled in to his role as big brother. He just loves "baby nane." He's been very helpful and attentive to his little bro.

We had lots of other visitors at the hospital...godmother Auntie Lyssa...

Grandma Janet (and Grandpa Tom)...

Grandma Lech (and Grandpa Lech)...

...Auntie Lisa, Uncle Kyle and Jenna, Gigi and coworkers...

At first, Dane had to stay in the special nursery on oxygen. We weren't sure if he had pneumonia or was just transitioning from the fluid and meconium in his lungs. We knew his white blood cell counts were climbing to fight infection but didn't know what was wrong. Finally, on Thursday, Dane was able to leave the nursery and come in our room. On Friday, they took out his IV, making him even more comfortable. Thankfully, our little man was feeling better and we found out we'd all be able to come home on Saturday.

Dane settled in for his first car ride to his new home...

All we can say is that we are incredibly blessed. And 100% in love with our two sweet boys. Thank you for all your well wishes and prayers. We can't wait to share more memories with all of you.

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