Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fun on the Fourth

In all the hoopla of preparing for sweet baby Dane and simultaneously wrapping up multiple home renovation projects (oh yes, did you know we added a screen porch, new roof, new garage door and new front entry/portico?! before and after pics coming soon!!), I forgot to post the pictures from the 4th of July week. I am so fortunate that the college closes for the week of the 4th, which just happens to coincide with the week Jon and I would always take off up north. This year, we weren't able to stay up the whole week. After Monday, my OBGYN didn't want me more than 20 minutes from the hospital...but we still were able to have a wonderful time with the family Friday - Monday.

You've already seen Cade in action playing golf up north. He also tried his hand at badminton...

And baggo toss...

He LOVED visiting with all of his relatives from Chicago and Indianapolis...and of course Grandma and Grandpa and Auntie Lisa, too. He especially loved all the cool gifts he got from Great Aunt Kim and Uncle Michael, including this light up bubble gun...

Prior to heading up north, we had a wonderful two day visit with the Stengels. Cade loved playing with his second cousins Elizabeth and Sophie...and seeing Aunt Jen and Uncle Jason.

The kids had a ball playing at the park next door. Cade and Sophie enjoyed the swings while daddys Jon and Jason pushed.

The visit, as always, was too short...but the kiddos were able to get in some cousin lovin'...

And lots of merry go roundin'....

We can't wait to celebrate up north on the 4th next year with our new addition. Watch for photos coming this week of sweet baby Dane, who has an estimated arrival of 7.21.10 at 11:30 a.m. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers as we welcome our newest little blessing.

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