Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Day in the Life

This weekend, I was reminded by Jon's great aunt Karen that I have been severely lacking in the blog posting arena. Admittedly, the addition of a second child has had a negative effect on the blog. Sorry we've been so MIA lately...we've been busy drinking coffee and catching up on sleep...ha! I'm going to try to keep things updated a bit more often. I think I've always thought that each post had to have a photo accompaniment, but perhaps not. So, today I'm implementing a new feature - "A Day in the Life," featuring silly conversations at the Felch house.

Today's installment...

Scene: Walking out of the YMCA after picking Cade up from school, where he was reading books in a tent with his gal pal Abigail

Katie: Did you have fun reading books in the tent today with Abigail?
Cade: Yea-ah
Katie: Oh, that's good. Do you like Abigail?
Cade: Yeaaahhh...she's beautiful.
Katie: (dumbfounded look, he knows the word beautiful?!) Oh, that's nice.
Cade: Yea-ah. I gave her a hug.
Katie: (thinking oh boy, and so it begins...)

My, how things have changed since the week of September 15th, 2008...

And the week of September 15th, 2009...

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