Sunday, September 26, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

We were able to have some quality time with Cade this weekend. On Saturday, Grandma Janet spent the day with Dane. Cade was a busy boy.

He helped daddy with the sand for the new patio...

There was a family day at the local hardware store so we took Cade to see Uncle Kyle...oh, and the firetruck and ambulance. He loved climbing in and out, keeping Uncle Kyle on his toes...

At home, of course we had to get some golf in..the off season is on its way so Cade had to get his swings in.

Cade and I got tossed around the football as well...he especially loves to "hut hut hike"...

And on Friday, Cade and I met Auntie Lys and her friend Julie at the DCE Homecoming parade...the things you do for your children. It was just a bit windy when we left but once there, the wind really picked up and then it started raining on and off. Fah-reez-ing...but Cade got to see Uncle Kyle driving the big ladder truck...oh and some candy. He was a cold but happy camper.

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