Saturday, September 25, 2010

Two Months

Two did that happen? Our sweet boy is developing quite a personality and it's such a joy to see him change and grow every day (sometimes every minute!?). I'm a bit delayed on the two month post so let's call it two months + five days. Dane had his two month check up on Wednesday (two months + two days). He checked in at 13 lbs, 5 oz and just about 24" long, putting him between the 75th and 90th percentiles for both height and weight. Unfortunately, big bro's two month check up was actually at over two and a half months so we can't compare the growth rate of the boys at this point...but Dr. Mathias seems to think we're going to have another off the charts boy on our hands. Other than the dislike of his two month shots (who wouldn't hate being pricked three times?!), this little man is a healthy boy.

At two months, Dane...

...definitely has a signature smirk

...always gets a huge smile when he wakes up in the morning and after his naps wearing mostly 3-6 month clothes in size two diapers

...still LOVES stretching out and kicking his legs still eating every 3-3.5 hours during the day

...can sleep entirely through the night, but still wakes up around 3:00 a.m. most nights

...usually has three naps a day, with the longest ones in the morning and late afternoon

...finally likes his swing...and doesn't mind his bouncer, especially the swinging parrot and music

...still doesn't like his car seat due to his reflux but it's getting better, especially if you wait 30 minutes after he eats to put him in there (or if he's sleeping in there!)

...loves his white noise as part of his night time routine

...sleeps swaddled at night

...goes to bed like a champ drowsy but awake (thank you iPod white noise and musical seahorse)

...loves to see himself in the mirror...he smiles and coos away happily (he must be thinking "who's that handsome devil?")

...and continues to bring us so much joy. Happy two months sweet boy!

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