Thursday, November 11, 2010

A Day in the Life

You just can't make this stuff up...

Scene: Katie, aka mom, is sitting in baby Dane's room feeding him his morning bottle. Cade is believed to be in the kitchen eating his morning cereal.

Mom: Cade, what are you doing?
Cade: I eating my cereal, mommy.

Peculiar silence...breakfast time typically includes songs and talking to one's self.

Mom: (again) Cade, what are you doing?
Cade: I eating my cereal, mommy.
Mom: (hm..something sounds fishy out there but Dane is almost done with his bottle)

Carry baby Dane out into the living room where I find Cade sitting in daddy's chair with his cup of dry cereal next to him.

Mom: (yet again) Cade, what are you doing?
Cade: (looking sheepish) I eating my cereal.

I move closer, Cade sidles up to the side of the chair in an apparent attempt to hide something.

Mom: Cade, what do you have?
Cade: Um... (thinking, looking sheepish) Um.... NOT a sucker.

I pull him away from the side of a chair, only to find a sucker stuck to the side of his fleece jammie bottoms.

Mom: Cade, that was very naughty (but internally finding his antics a bit comical and making a side note to call Jon to fill him in on the way to work). We don't take candy without asking and we don't eat candy for breakfast. You do not climb up on the counter (said candy was already elevated to a point where Cade shouldn't have been able to reach it...I now notice his step stool pushed squarely against said counter) could have got a bad owie.
Cade: (exasperated) But I hungy mom!
Mom: That's why you have cereal, Cade.

{Insert timeout here}

Since that time, I informed Cade that the candy was, in fact, all gone (hang head in shame for lying to my child). He looked at me with deep sadness in his eyes and complete disbelief....then, an a-ha moment. "I go trick-or-treating again get more candy, right?" Nope, sorry buddy, not until next year...and while we're at it remember that ho ho ho (Cade's moniker for Santa) is coming soon and he only brings toys to good little boys and girls (that's now 2-0 on the lie count for mommy).

Ah, for the love of the holidays.....

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