Sunday, November 7, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Wow, how did it get to be November 7th already?! So, I'm a week late on the Halloween post. Forgive me?
We were lucky to have great weather for Halloween this year. It was still a bit chilly for baby Dane but we were able to get some family pics outside with our little football before heading out on the candy seeking excursion.

Cade and Dane also dressed up at the Y on Friday in their costumes. Dane wasn't such a fan there, but with the cooler temps outside on Sunday, he liked cozying up in his little football bunting.

Sweet boy...

Cade was elated for his first trick or treating adventure. He snuggled in to his wagon with his candy bag in the wagon "trailer."

Alyssa and I took Cade around our neighborhood after we drove over to Grandma & Grandpa Lech's and then to Gigi's to see Gigi, Grandma Janet, Grandpa Tom and Great Aunt Kathie. Daddy hung home with baby Dane and handed out candy. We hit up about 5-6 houses in our neighborhood before Cade decided to call it a day and head home. He was so cute at each house, running and yelling "I got cannnddddyyyyy!" He couldn't believe that people just gave him candy.

Once we were home, Cade settled in to hand out candy to his fellow trick or treaters.

"I'ma gonna wait right here for the trick or treaters come, 'kay mom"

Apparently, giraffes love suckers....


Happy belated Halloween!

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