Sunday, November 21, 2010

Four Months

At four months, Dane Garrison... completely obsessed with his big bro. His eyes light up when he sees him and get gets a big gummy grin on his face. really starting to get his own personality and distinct 'look'

...has his first really bad cold/ can see the sickness in his sweet little eyes equally doted on by his big bro, who loves giving him kisses, reading to him, singing to him and just lovin' up on him any way he can

...can sit up pretty well and has control of his head, with the exception of a few bobbles here and there a very smiley little guy, with the exception of these four month photos of course (being sick is no fun)

...has rolled over but mostly just loves to roll over on his side and take a peak at what's going on in 3-6 and 6-12 month clothes still in size three diapers

...eats every three-four hours during the day

...still sleeps through the night, with a few recent hiccups where he wakes up around 3-4, not hungry, but ready to coo and play

...can sleep unswaddled, but has been lately due to being sick

...had his first professional photo shoot..and did great (watch for pics soon)

...LOVES munching on his hands

...has found his grasp...including mommy's hair

...still brings us so much love and joy that our hearts hurt. We love you little man.

And tune in Tuesday for the little's guys latest stats.

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