Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Five months

At five months (or five months and one week), Dane Garrison... a bit of a drooly man...we're hoping that first tooth is coming in any day now (poor little guy)

...can sit up unattended for up to a minute or two... starting to like his bumbo chair...especially being able to look around..there's no holding this little guy down! the smiliest, happy little guy...he has a grin that just makes your heart melt...

...LOVES to roll over on to his belly and grunts his unhappiness if he sees a toy in front of him that he can't reach...I think he's going to be our early crawler...

...loves using his hands to check things out, including your face, hands, glasses and, yes, hair (just ask Cade - ouch!)...

...especially likes to roll from his back to his belly at night in his crib, usually getting himself stuck in the process (cue rescue from mom and dad)... quite long, already rocking the 6-12 month clothes...daddy thinks he's going to be our o-lineman

...loves watching everything that's around him...he'll try to sit up and out of his swing, bouncer, carseat...just to check in on the action...especially if it involves his big brother Cade... still in size 3 diapers

...eats 8-9 ounces every four hours for four bottles a day

...just started rice cereal and eats it, but not without some very silly, scrunched up faces

..tries to grab at the spoon or the bowl...and especially his bib while eating (causing a bit of a mess)
...easily sleeps through the night, with some snags when he naturally wakes in the night deciding it's playtime and rolls over only to get stuck (see above)

...absolutely ADORES his big brother Cade...he is enamored with his songs and lights up at the sound of his voice
...usually naps about 3x/day with one longer nap and a couple hour or less naps... absolutely adorable (not that we're biased at all) and has nicknames of sweetpea, pumpkin, pumpkin pie and sweet boy

We love you so much Dane...xoxoxox

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