Monday, December 13, 2010

Let it be...

I know, I know...we've been gone for nearly a month from the blog-o-sphere. We've just been busy living life. I've always loved the quote, "Life's what happens when you're busy making plans." Isn't that the truth? We had a wonderful weekend because we didn't do very much at all. We were able to spend lots of time together because it was way too cold/windy/freezing/snowy to be anywhere but cozy at home....and it was amazing. I am so blessed to have my three sweet boys...

Sometimes, well let's be honest here, many times I worry. I worry about how I'm going to find the time to Christmas shop, make cookies, order Christmas cards, clean the house...the list goes on and on. But then I think I am so blessed to have money to buy gifts for the ones I love. I am blessed to have wonderful friends and family to send Christmas cards to...and they aren't going to care if the cards arrive early, on time or if they're a day late..they will just be happy to know we're thinking of them. I am blessed to have food and ingredients to make many have no food to eat at all. And I'm blessed to have a house to clean (okay, maybe this one's a bit of a stretch..just kidding)...some dream of someplace warm to call their own.

Sometimes we get so wrapped up in life that we forget to cherish those moments. I hope that's one lesson I never forget. When I think back over all that's happened in the past year, I can't believe a year has passed. Last Christmas, I was worried whether I would be able to celebrate this Christmas with my mom...and here we are, a year later, and she is in good health and has Christmas decorations on her Christmas list so I know she's planning to be around for many more holidays to come (because we know dad's not the one who digs all the Christmas decor hoo ha!). In a year, we've added another handsome, sweet boy to our family. We've watched our oldest boy grow into such a smart, confident toddler. And over the year, I've become (well almost) an aunt to a little boy who will be so loved by his cousins.

Yes, sometimes life happens when we're busy making plans. So, please forgive me for neglecting my "plans" to update the blog...I hope you understand. We've been living and loving life...

With that, let the photo updates commence...

Our sweet boys in their matching jammies...smiles are optional....

Cade, Grandma Janet, Auntie Lisa and I hit the Teddy Bear Breakfast with Santa...

We headed out to the "the frosty majesty of the winter landscape and select that most important of Christmas symbols"...the felch family Christmas tree...Cade insisted on bringing his saw to help daddy...

Jon and I headed to Breckenridge, Colorado for a mini vacation with one of Jon's best friends from college, Brian, and his fiance was absolutely gorgeous. We snowmobiled to the Continental Divide at 12,500 feet... that's what we've been up to. Now, go ahead and watch for that felch family Christmas card coming in the mail. It should be there before Christmas...and if it's not, well, again, forgive me.

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