Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Happy birthday, dear Cade...

The last of the third birthday posts...

A Day in the Life

Remember how we said that Cade constantly makes us laugh? Well, here's just a snapshot of his hilarity...

Daddy: Cade, do you know what happened to my screwdriver?
Cade: {hands on hips, pondering look on his face} Hm, daddy, it was here a second ago...
{Cade running to the toilet to go "potty" and yelling from the bathroom}
Cade: Oh man, mom...I almost fell in the toilet!!! {laughing hysterically}
Daddy: Cade, what are you doing?
Cade: I going potty..
Daddy: You don't have your pants down, buddy..
Cade: {Laughing} Oh man, I'm silly....{More laughing}I'm funny, daddy...I'm funny and you're da man
{Cade discussing his upcoming sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa Felch's house}
Cade: I sleeping at gamma and gampas house by the fire and it be real warm, mom...
Mommy: Oh, that sounds nice bud. That will be fun.
Cade: Yes, yes it will. {Pause} You want to come and join us?
Mommy: {this kid knows the word join?!)

I made lunch for Cade the other day and put a few chocolate bunnies on his tray with his strawberries and noodles. He looked at me incredulously and said, "You gave me bunnies?!?! Cool!!! {putting his hands up on the air}"
And, last but not least, a few weekends ago, we made snowman pancakes complete with a bacon scarf. Cade was so excited, then looked at me with a look of seriousness and said, "Moooommmm, you forgot to make his smile." Silly me, I only put on eyes so I had to complete the frosty man's look with a syrup smile.

Aw, these are truly the moments life is made of....

A "Fin-Tastic" Time

As you know, our sweet boy recently turned three. On his actual birthday (2.1.11), we had a mini chocolate cake for the little man, complete with an insane amount of self decorated sprinkles on top. Daddy thought it would be funny to have Cade take a bit of his cake, and as he did, he face planted Cade right into the frosting...Cade, of course, thought this was hilarious. "Aw man, that's so silly daddy" and five minutes after finishing eating his sprinkled frosting with a side of cake, "Aw, man I got a sprinkle in my noise." A sprinkle which, coincidentally, he then proceeded to eat. Ah, three year old boys..yuck.

Cade wanted a fishy themed birthday in honor of his new fishy friend, Emery. You see, we promised Cade that when he turned three, he could get a fish of his very own..which then turned into a whole fish themed soiree.
Here's the little man deep in present opening...

Of course, we had to have a fish themed menu, complete with a fish cake, fish shaped cheese mold, assorted goldfish crackers including cheddar, cinnamon and chocolate and, last but not least, swedish fish which first time eater Cade thoroughly enjoyed.

For dinner, we dined on Cade's selection..pizza. The little man's pizza was even shaped as a fish...

After dinner, Cade was all about the fishy cake...

"I'm this many...."

Waiting patiently for the candles to be lit...

Cade with mommy and daddy...

Cade with his godparents, Uncle Kyle and Auntie Lisa...


All in all, it was a great day with family..one that we hope Cade will always remember...especially since the memories will likely long outlast the life of the pet fish that kicked off this birthday party theme!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

For Love of Family

“Other things may change us, but we start and end with family” - Anthony Brandt

The world lost a truly great man this week. My Grandpa had an unmatched generosity of spirit. He believed in the good in people. He was always so positive. He was the type of guy you met once, but felt you like you knew forever. And he was witty...oh, he had one liners that would make you roll on the floor laughing. He was an honest man, hardworking but with a heart full of gold. He was someone who could really light up a room. For that and so much more, we will miss him dearly. He's truly one of the greatest men I've ever known. The only saving grace is knowing that there is quite a bit of him in this guy...
and this guy...

...and quite possibly this fourth generation of Lech.

We love you and miss you dearly, grandpa and we know you and grandma are now looking down upon us.

Friday, February 11, 2011


Cade Thomas..oh, my sweet boy. How is it possible that my sweet baby is three...or "free" as you call it. You changed my world the day you were born. I became a mom. Your mama. You changed our world and brought so much happiness to daddy and I. You are as sweet as can be...always so polite, thanking everyone for coming over, for playing with you...thanking mommy and daddy...you make us so proud. And you're a lover...you are generous with your hugs and smooches (hopefully not a trait that follows you to your teenage years - ha) and are always so empathetic, knowing when someone is sad and needs a Cade sized hug to cheer them up. You have a heart of gold and you are such a good big brother. Dane looks up to you...literally and figuratively..and it's easy to see why. You sing to him, love up on him with forehead and feet smooches and make funny faces to him. You can always make him laugh..and us too...you're like your daddy that way. And you're smart..a bit of a perfectionist (no idea who that trait comes from!)..but you love to learn. You love trains and trucks and tractors..you love sports, especially golf, football and basketball...you are all boy...but you also love to dance, especially to "I like to move it, move it." You can negotiate with the best of them (a future lawyer or politician?) and are starting to test your limits..but at the end of the day, you are still such a happy, sweet, polite, loving boy. We can't wait to see the man you will become and the boy you grow to be. Just don't get there too fast...we want to enjoy every moment we can...and remember, you'll always be our sweet baby Cade.