Friday, February 11, 2011


Cade Thomas..oh, my sweet boy. How is it possible that my sweet baby is three...or "free" as you call it. You changed my world the day you were born. I became a mom. Your mama. You changed our world and brought so much happiness to daddy and I. You are as sweet as can be...always so polite, thanking everyone for coming over, for playing with you...thanking mommy and make us so proud. And you're a are generous with your hugs and smooches (hopefully not a trait that follows you to your teenage years - ha) and are always so empathetic, knowing when someone is sad and needs a Cade sized hug to cheer them up. You have a heart of gold and you are such a good big brother. Dane looks up to you...literally and figuratively..and it's easy to see why. You sing to him, love up on him with forehead and feet smooches and make funny faces to him. You can always make him laugh..and us're like your daddy that way. And you're smart..a bit of a perfectionist (no idea who that trait comes from!)..but you love to learn. You love trains and trucks and love sports, especially golf, football and are all boy...but you also love to dance, especially to "I like to move it, move it." You can negotiate with the best of them (a future lawyer or politician?) and are starting to test your limits..but at the end of the day, you are still such a happy, sweet, polite, loving boy. We can't wait to see the man you will become and the boy you grow to be. Just don't get there too fast...we want to enjoy every moment we can...and remember, you'll always be our sweet baby Cade.

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