Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A "Fin-Tastic" Time

As you know, our sweet boy recently turned three. On his actual birthday (2.1.11), we had a mini chocolate cake for the little man, complete with an insane amount of self decorated sprinkles on top. Daddy thought it would be funny to have Cade take a bit of his cake, and as he did, he face planted Cade right into the frosting...Cade, of course, thought this was hilarious. "Aw man, that's so silly daddy" and five minutes after finishing eating his sprinkled frosting with a side of cake, "Aw, man I got a sprinkle in my noise." A sprinkle which, coincidentally, he then proceeded to eat. Ah, three year old boys..yuck.

Cade wanted a fishy themed birthday in honor of his new fishy friend, Emery. You see, we promised Cade that when he turned three, he could get a fish of his very own..which then turned into a whole fish themed soiree.
Here's the little man deep in present opening...

Of course, we had to have a fish themed menu, complete with a fish cake, fish shaped cheese mold, assorted goldfish crackers including cheddar, cinnamon and chocolate and, last but not least, swedish fish which first time eater Cade thoroughly enjoyed.

For dinner, we dined on Cade's selection..pizza. The little man's pizza was even shaped as a fish...

After dinner, Cade was all about the fishy cake...

"I'm this many...."

Waiting patiently for the candles to be lit...

Cade with mommy and daddy...

Cade with his godparents, Uncle Kyle and Auntie Lisa...


All in all, it was a great day with family..one that we hope Cade will always remember...especially since the memories will likely long outlast the life of the pet fish that kicked off this birthday party theme!

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