Tuesday, February 22, 2011

A Day in the Life

Remember how we said that Cade constantly makes us laugh? Well, here's just a snapshot of his hilarity...

Daddy: Cade, do you know what happened to my screwdriver?
Cade: {hands on hips, pondering look on his face} Hm, daddy, it was here a second ago...
{Cade running to the toilet to go "potty" and yelling from the bathroom}
Cade: Oh man, mom...I almost fell in the toilet!!! {laughing hysterically}
Daddy: Cade, what are you doing?
Cade: I going potty..
Daddy: You don't have your pants down, buddy..
Cade: {Laughing} Oh man, I'm silly....{More laughing}I'm funny, daddy...I'm funny and you're da man
{Cade discussing his upcoming sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa Felch's house}
Cade: I sleeping at gamma and gampas house by the fire and it be real warm, mom...
Mommy: Oh, that sounds nice bud. That will be fun.
Cade: Yes, yes it will. {Pause} You want to come and join us?
Mommy: {this kid knows the word join?!)

I made lunch for Cade the other day and put a few chocolate bunnies on his tray with his strawberries and noodles. He looked at me incredulously and said, "You gave me bunnies?!?! Cool!!! {putting his hands up on the air}"
And, last but not least, a few weekends ago, we made snowman pancakes complete with a bacon scarf. Cade was so excited, then looked at me with a look of seriousness and said, "Moooommmm, you forgot to make his smile." Silly me, I only put on eyes so I had to complete the frosty man's look with a syrup smile.

Aw, these are truly the moments life is made of....

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