Sunday, June 21, 2009

Dear Daddy...

I love you SO much. You are my favorite guy in the world. When I get big, I hope I am just big and strong and great as you are. I love when you tickle me, when you snuggle me, when we laugh at our own little jokes, watching sportscenter, taking naps, "wrestling," playing outside and helping you with your tools. I can't wait to go fishing with you, play sports with you and learn how to be a man from you. You are the bestest dad in the whole wide world. I love you!!

Love, Cade

Dear Jon,
Thank you for being the best father to our sweet baby boy. I fall more in love with you every time I see you with Cade. Cade and I are blessed to have you in our lives! I can't wait for the new and exciting adventures our life holds....

Love, Katie

1 comment:

  1. what a lucky boy Cade is to have such a wonderful dada
