Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Weekend Wonder

We had another wonderful weekend at the cabin last weekend. Cade enjoyed playing with his water table...but just not his frog pool. We're not sure if he was afraid of the frog canopy over the pool or if it was related to his new found phobia of the bathtub, but suffice it to say Cade kept his feet (and his bottom) on dry land.

Cade also tried his hand at baggo toss...although he may have been cheating a bit. He had fun though!
He also loved climbing around in daddy's fishing boat...especially pushing all the buttons on the fish finder.

Cade can't wait to head back up north for the fourth of July...he gets to go up early with Grandma and Grandpa from Tuesday - Friday and then with the whole fam Friday - Sunday and with mom and dad Sunday - Friday. We can't wait!

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