Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It was a week of firsts for Cade. On Saturday, we went to watch Grandpa Lech and the other Wausau firefighters play the Green Bay Packers in a charity softball game. Cade made it on the local sports reel for the first time. (Grandpa made the sports reel as well...)

On Monday, we had a less exciting first...Cade's first visit to the ER. Cade knocked a piece of artwork off of the wall in the master bedroom, which came crashing down on his poor little head. He had a two inch piece of glass in the top of his scalp that had to be removed. He was more scared than anything else...poor little guy. He ended up having to have three staples in his scalp and x-rays to ensure all the glass was out. The ER nurses gave Cade a teddy bear (daddy says it's the most expensive bear he'll ever have!) and his first popsicle. He was a real trooper through it all.

After everything he went through, here was the happy boy when we returned from the hospital....

Hopefully, the first "first" will be the first of many...and the second "first," not so much. Although with Cade's all boy antics, I'm fairly certain we'll be experiencing both again in the future. As far as the popsicles go, he can have as many of those as he likes!

1 comment:

  1. Like Aunt Naomi said...welcome to the world of raising a boy :)
