Monday, June 29, 2009

Revenge of the Bath

If you remember from a previous post (see: ), Cade was such a huge fan of the bath that he even wanted to snooze in the tub. Flash forward a few weeks and he developed a sudden phobia of the bath tub, screaming the minute his little legs hit the water. Three baths later and a bit of book/internet research, we determined that Cade is at the prime age for phobia development. The two most common toddler phobias - bugs and baths. Apparently, at Cade's age, kids begin to question where the bath water goes and why they aren't sucked down the drain. Traumatic, I know. So, last night we hit the tub once again in hopes of overcoming the dreaded bath/cry/scream bath fiasco. Previously, we tried bathing in the sink, showering, bathing with mom in the tub (don't worry, I had my suit on!) to no avail. Enter Crayola's bath crayons. We hit the tub with the usual fanfare until mom brought out the bath crayons. There was a break in the whimper as Cade happily drew on the side of the tub..then a brief laugh..and before we knew it, Cade was (relatively) back to his bath loving self. Thank goodness...this boy needs his baths...especially since he developed a new and dirty love which I'll post more of later. I'm not quite ready to consider bath time a success, but thanks to Crayola bath crayons, we're well on our way.

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