Friday, July 31, 2009

Dance, Dance...

Last Saturday, Cade had a fun time dancing with his cousins Elizabeth, Sophi, Connor and Dominic at Adam & Rachel's wedding reception...when he wasn't mock golfing with sticks and pinecones that is. Cade can certainly improvise when it comes to golfing!

Here's the little man showing off his moves on the dance floor...

We also finally got the four generation photo we've been meaning to take with my grandpa, mom, Cade and I. Cade was not a happy camper for the shot..he was more interested in dancing and golfing.

And you know eating had to be on the agenda. Cade posed perfectly for Auntie Lys...

Cade scouting for clubs (aka sticks) and balls (aka pine cones)...

The boys were enthused with the poles that held the lights up around the dance floor...

Soon, Elizabeth joined in on the many toddlers can you balance on a tire??

Cade had lots of fun with his "cousins" and can't wait to see them again!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Zippity Zoo...

Last Friday, we had a wonderful trip to the zoo with Grandma Lech, Aunt Melissa, Aunt Jenny and cousins Elizabeth, Sophi and Connor.

The zoo crew all ready to go...

Cade and Grandma...

Elizabeth, Cade and Connor loved driving the milk truck...

Cade was not so sure about the cow smells in here mama...

But he LOVED being a giraffe....

"Roaring" as a giraffe...

Baby and mama giraffe...

Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?

All and all, it was a great day and the kids were definitely troopers. We had a fun train ride around the zoo..well, unless you ask Cade. He was a fan until we boarded and then he turned on the waterworks.

We can't wait to go back next year and make it a second cousin tradition, just like it was for me growing up with my cousins. Hopefully next year, daddy and Uncle Jason can come...after all, they do serve beer!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Order up..

The deadline for ordering Cade's photos is tomorrow so if you have any photos that you would like us to order for you, please let me know (email Pricing is available on the website. The current special is buy one 5x7, get one free. Also, please post in the comments if you have a favorite shot and we just may select it for wallets to hand out to family and friends.

Here is how you can access the photos:
Click "Enter," then on "Proofing" and the password is "cade."

Watch later tonight for the much anticipated pics of Cade's zippity zoo trip!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

And we're off..

We're headed out for Milwaukee tomorrow morning. We are looking forward to seeing and staying with Cade's second cousins, Elizabeth and Sophia (oh, and their parents, Aunt Jen and Uncle Jason). It will be toddler mayhem I'm sure, as we are heading to the Milwaukee Zoo on Friday. Watch for pics next week!

And just for a bit of nostalgia, here is Cade a year ago this week.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Lately, Cade would pretty much live outside if we let him..especially if he had his golf clubs in tow. He has clubs at home, clubs at Grandpa & Grandma Lech's and clubs at Grandpa & Grandma Felch's. He even has a real club that Grandpa Felch cut down and sized just for him. He would seriously play for hours in the yard, just hitting the ball around...look out Tiger and Phil.

Linus also made an appearance this evening...

Ha, this shirt just cracks me up.

Sweet, sleepy boy..."I don't need to go nigh-nigh, mama. I golfin'.."

Sweet dreams, little golf cub.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Yakkity Yak

Jon and Cade bought me a kayak for my birthday. We headed to Grandma & Grandpa Lech's today for its maiden voyage. Prior to hitting the water, Cade had to climb aboard and test the waters.

Such a cutie...

Lys and I hit the water...

...with success.

Friday, July 17, 2009


Thank you for all of the birthday wishes. It was a wonderful day. Special thanks to Jon and Cade for these gorgeous flowers I received at work...

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Photo Shoot Fun

Last night, we had the photographer who did Cade's three month, six month and one year photos finish our photo package by taking some pics of Cade at Oak Island Park. He was such a trooper running around through dinner time. Check out the little model in action...
Click "Enter," then on "Proofing" and the password is "cade."
I believe you can order prints on the site, or let me know and I can order them for you if you so desire. I will also be ordering our own photos, as well as wallets to hand out.
Watch out, Zoolander.

27 Years

It's hard to believe that 27 years ago today, I was brought into this world. My, how time flies. Thank you mom and dad for raising me to be the person I am today - I couldn't have done it without your love, guidance and support. You're the best. To K-Town and Beans, you are hands down the best siblings in the world and I can't imagine life without you in it. To the best in-laws in the world...thanks for being my second family. To the rest of my family..thank you for being not only family, but true and wonderful friends. To my beautiful baby boy, thanks for enriching my life in more ways than I could've known. To my fabulous friends, thanks for adding all of the laughter, smiles, tears and memories. And to my best friend, husband and soul mate - thanks for bringing out the absolute best in me.
For all of that and so much more, today I am the one who's truly blessed. Thanks for the gifts of family, friendship and most of all - LOVE.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


When Cade was just over a year old, I found a remote control car at Target and was so excited to purchase it for Cade...just imagine, a little boy and his first remote control car. It was a monumental occasion. (For those of you wondering how a one year old could "drive" a remote control car, it's a quite simple design with only one button on the "remote." It it runs into something, it automatically spins itself around and goes in another direction. Even a novice like I could take it for a spin.)

I brought it home, took it out of the packaging and turned it on...and Cade turned on the waterworks. Suffice it to say, he was not a fan. We put it back in the storage-a-palooza toy bins (thanks, dad) and would occasionally bring it back out to test the waters (quite literally as it turned out). Gradually, the interest grew and the number of tears shed diminished. He would play with it for a bit but inevitably flip the car over and turn the power switch off (another of Cade's favorite activities).

Today, Cade brought out the car and I turned it on expecting the usual play for a while/turn off routine, but Cade surprised me and, nearly six months later, bonded with his first remote control car. He was particularly fond of driving it into Bella or himself. You can see for yourself...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Back to Reality

No big surprise here, but we had a fabulous week and a half up north. Cade enjoyed many firsts...

First time to the golf course for nine with grandma and he is practicing his skills...

First time sportin' the new life jacket...

First boat ride...

First time "driving the boat"...

First time to Torpey Park in Minocqua...

First time in the lake..NOT such a fan...

First time on a raft...better than in the cool water...

First time to the zoo (Wilderness Wildlife Park in Minocqua)...

And there was one in Mom and Dad as two-time champs in the Felch Family Up North on the Fourth Golf Scramble...

Here's to many more memories, firsts and sunsets...

...we are truly blessed.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Off to the cabin...

We're heading off to the cabin tomorrow night for a nice, l-o-o-o-n-g and relaxing week so there will be a lapse in blog posts until July 12th..only to be followed by many memories, photos and stories from up north.

There will be some of this..."Up North on the Fourth" Family Golf Scramble...

Plenty of this...

And LOTS of this...

Have a safe and happy 4th!

And just for comparison sake, here's the little man last 4th of July...


Three years ago today, one word changed it all - yes. Yes, I'll marry you. Yes, we'll live a wonderful, happy life together. Yes to it all.

Thanks for the best three years of my life, Jon...for the laughs, the tears, the smiles, the fun times and for our beautiful baby boy.

Thanks for asking....