Tuesday, July 14, 2009


When Cade was just over a year old, I found a remote control car at Target and was so excited to purchase it for Cade...just imagine, a little boy and his first remote control car. It was a monumental occasion. (For those of you wondering how a one year old could "drive" a remote control car, it's a quite simple design with only one button on the "remote." It it runs into something, it automatically spins itself around and goes in another direction. Even a novice like I could take it for a spin.)

I brought it home, took it out of the packaging and turned it on...and Cade turned on the waterworks. Suffice it to say, he was not a fan. We put it back in the storage-a-palooza toy bins (thanks, dad) and would occasionally bring it back out to test the waters (quite literally as it turned out). Gradually, the interest grew and the number of tears shed diminished. He would play with it for a bit but inevitably flip the car over and turn the power switch off (another of Cade's favorite activities).

Today, Cade brought out the car and I turned it on expecting the usual play for a while/turn off routine, but Cade surprised me and, nearly six months later, bonded with his first remote control car. He was particularly fond of driving it into Bella or himself. You can see for yourself...

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